What Your Home May Look Like During A Remodel

Some people choose to remodel their home to better fit their life or style preferences. Others do it to improve the value of their home to sell. It is common for homeowners to think that remodeling can be an expensive and lengthy process because they might picture tearing down walls or putting additions on the home. However, at times it can be as simple as putting a fresh coat of paint on the walls or replacing old flooring.

A remodeling process can be as complicated or simple as you want it to be, and by choosing the right contractors it can be done on an efficient and appropriate timeline. Whatever you choose, it is important to prepare yourself for what your home will look like during the whole remodeling process, especially if you will be living through it. Not living in your home during the remodel can make it easier for yourself as well as the contractors doing the work. However, not everyone has the option to leave their home during the process.

If you will be continuing to live there throughout the process, it is important to understand that your home can look very different during a remodel. With all of the preparation work the contractors will need to do, plus the actual home improvement work, you may not be able to use certain areas of your home, depending on the type of project it is. Seeing your own home prepped for work might seem chaotic or disorganized, but it is necessary to ensure the remodel is done with precision and efficiency. Shown below are examples of what your home could look like if you are getting painting or other similar work done.


During A Remodel


After Remodeling


When your home is being painted, some of the preparation work you will see painters do is moving and covering furniture, putting up painters’ tape, and putting down paper to protect the flooring. These measures will protect the other areas of your home while painting is in progress.

Installing new flooring will have slightly different preparation than painting, with all the furniture being removed from the room, but no additional tape or paper put up.

Based on the contractors and the remodeling project, there might also be post-remodeling repair or clean up work. At HOMEstretch, after painting, a quality check is done to ensure clients are provided with the best work possible. During the quality check it is common to see more painters tape on the wall where there needs to be touch-up work done. There may also be excess materials and supplies in the home during this process. In the photos below you can see more of how a home is prepped for painting as well as what a post-painting quality check might look like.


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